Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Reunion Poem

In honor of Poetry month (and inspired by Peter's blog), I wrote a poem. We planted a vegetable garden on Sunday at our new house (we've been here since November '08). We had not seen this tree in all its glory before. I'll try to take a picture of it for my next post. J9 I could use your photography expertise.

Spring Reunion

The white-blossomed tree,
With quarter-sized branches
Delicately reaches,
And touches,
My balcony.

Over the railing,
My branch-sized arm stretches—
Meets the white umbrella
Of faces—
Strokes a flower.

The canopy shimmers,
With its smiling delight,
Sunshine beams warmth and life,
Our connection.

trademarked 4/15/09


  1. That poem makes me sigh and long for those little moments in time that make me remember my connections to all living things!

  2. Lovely poem. And the idea of your branch sized arm reaching out was a delightful surprise! Very nice. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your poetry
