Saturday, April 28, 2012

Redwood Writers Conference

The CWC Redwood Writers Conference was informative, inspiring, and enjoyable. I attended four breakout sessions: "Historical Fiction: Stepping Back in Time" by Christopher Gortner, "Jumping into Mystery with Character" by Deborah Grabien, "Grammar: Don't Skip This Important Step" by Arlene Miller, "Revealing Character Through Dialog" by Ana Manwaring who filled in for Catherine Brady, Good setting, good company, good food makes for an outstanding conference.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Accepted in Las Positas College Anthology

Acceptance and rejection all in one day.

"Tiny Lights" sent a sweet, encouraging full page rejection letter for my two short story submissions. Susan Bono wrote, "Wow, big stories, Julaina". On one of the pages she gave me an important tip on how to improve the beginning Of "Life Support" which I appreciate. I took a chance because I knew both stories are controversial. Time to send them some place else. Someone out there might like the outside-the-box topics.

Before that rejection, I received the notice that Las Positas Anthology editors had accepted my story. I had never submitted to them before although several people had encouraged me to do so in the past. I revised the story yet another time, adding more sounds, smells, and textures before submitting. It must have helped.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Submit short stories

Check out www.Publishing They are accepting true stories for three different anthologies. Submit your short stories that fit their themes. Published contributors are paid a share of royalties based on all e-book and print books sold.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Movie "Footnote"

If you want great examples of internal struggle, see the movie, "Footnote". The son's struggle is evident from the start but at a moment of choice, one sees the father's inner turmoil reach a climax. Even minor characters, like the mother and the father's arch enemy have internal struggles. See it from a writer's point of view and you will marvel at the story.

Friday, April 6, 2012

More Humor

Not sure where I read or heard this one but I thought it was fun.

"The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense."


Have you noticed that each decade in life creates new challenges, new adventures, new wisdom? You probably know your characters' ages, but have you thought about their decades? Not the historical decade but the decade of their life.

For example,a female in her forties sees life differently than a female in her early thirties or twenties. Personally, I remember on each birthday thinking about how I had changed in the previous ten years and I wondered what I would be feeling in the next one. The older I get, the more I've realized how my perspective had grown in particular areas each time. Often, it was a surprise. With more decade experiences, I now sense the change coming the night before my birthday and then a month later, I know how and where I'm shifting and what my choices might involve.

A character can be deepened if something about that particular decade in their life is interjected. Readers can relate if they are or have been in the same decade or know someone who is. Characters become more real with a universal familiarity.

Try it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

CWC Literary Review

A nice surprise arrived in my mailbox. The California Writers Club has produced a Literary Review where CWC members can submit stories for publication. They chose twenty-eight to publish out of the 116 stories and poems that were submitted. Stories can be previously published as long as the author has the right to convey all rights to the CWC Literary Review for a one-time use.

This Spring 2012 Inaugural Issue is very well done, high quality paper, interesting stories, nice design and layout. They plan to have three issues a year. Submissions for the autumn issue are open from May 1st through June 30th. If you are a CWC member, you may enter. Here's another good reason to join the club besides the inspiring meetings and activities they have for members.