Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Three sentences for the past and three for the future

New Years is the time for reflection and intention. Get your pencils out or have your fingers ready on the keyboard:

Can you sum up 2011 in three sentences?

Then write three sentences that sum up what you see for yourself in 2012.

If you're in one of my writing classes, bring your sentences to class if you'd like to share or comment here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oakland Anthology Book Launch Reception

On December 9th, the Oakland Anthology Reception for "Tapestries" was an outstanding event. Great cake, in the shape and colors of the book, inspiring and creative readers, and a sense of a strong writing community.

I had the honor of being the Mistress of Ceremonies and since the speaker for "Writing Community" was unable to attend, I took his place. I always have a lot to say about the importance of Writing Community.

A memorable event and a terrific book.


This year's Oakland Anthology is called "Tapestries". There are some available for purchase, $15, they make great gifts.

Contact Jennifer King, at the Downtown Oakland Senior Center,

Monday, December 5, 2011

Backstory Tip

Robert McKee bases his advice on films but novelists can follow his tips as well. He states, regarding backstory, that novelists can free associate and "invade the thoughts and feelings of characters", which filmmakers cannot.

He says in bold type: "do not bring in a flashback until you have created in the audience the need and desire to know". It's good advice for novelists too even if we are able to do flashes of backstory in our characters' internalizations. The determination of how much past information to put into our story is easier if we keep McKee's advice in mind.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Kurt Vonnegut Quote

I read this quote out of context but for me it applies to keeping tension on every page.

"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down."

On second thought, it could be a writer's philosophy.

Happy flying.