Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pleasanton Poetry, Prose and Arts Festival

The Pleasanton Poetry, Prose and Arts Festival, an annual event in Pleasanton, is one to put on your April Calendars. Two days of workshops, networking, contest competitions and fun. Go to to check out picture with Good Morning America's Mark Curtis and the class. His book is available on Amazon. A link is on his website:


  1. Our writing group met today and we had a discussion about dots versus em dashes. Two of us have learned that the dots are for pauses and em dash for interruptions. Someone else said that the dots are to be used in dialogue and the em dash in narrative. Anyone out there know for sure?

  2. Conrats on your new blog! I'm looking forward to reading anything you want to share! So good to reconnect with you at the Poetry and Prose Festival.

  3. great to see this! -and darling picture! you're gonna LOVE this as an empty canvas.

    what you want
    when you want
    how you want

    and congratulations again on your award$ winning stories! great pleasure meeting you, learning about your book..

    and i'll email re: uploading pictures/leaving comments

    * write place * write time * write things * write people * write reasons

    love, sandra kay, tvgp

  4. Thank you Sandra and Cindy. I'm still exploring the how to. And as I emailed you, Sandra...I erased your help message before I even had a chance to read it! Cindy, I've printed out your suggestions and I'll try them out.
